Oz way Caravans is proudly leading the way in innovation in the Caravan market within in Australia. A truly national company with showroom in Melbourne, it is family owned and run, and we have working experience 10 years. In this time, the focus has always been on delivering high quality products at an affordable price to Aussie families.
oz way Caravan Company has built a great range of high quality aluminium and Timber Frame Caravans.
We are a Australian caravan manufacturers building quality caravans from the ground up.
which are designed to last well past the life of a traditional timber frame caravan
It provides great strength, resistance to water damage, considerable weight savings and durable combination.
We do not compromise on quality or craftsmanship and have a strict quality control procedure in place. With a team of skilled, motivated and highly qualified employees, and external subcontractors for electrical and plumbing. We believe that our range of caravans are second to non.
Oz way caravns is a member of Rover which shows we are committed to consistently build and supply a product that adheres to all relevant Australian Design Rules (ADRs) and Regulations and Australian Standards (AS).
This means our products are regularly audited by an independent body to ensure they are compliant with standards.

With our modern and versatile caravans we offer you the freedom to choose between a large number of standard layouts, customised layouts and optional extras, all chosen to work in perfectly with your luxury caravan.
Looking into the future we intend to continue expanding our configurations and combinations, introduce more technically advanced production methods and seek global supply of innovative tooling and components.
Our successful move into niche design will grow and provide our customers with a personalised touch to suit their specific lifestyle or journey. The RV industry in Australia is in a great position. For further information Australian caravan manufacturers please contact us.